Wednesday 5 October 2011

My grandpa

Recently my sweet grandpa passed.  Here are a few memories of an incredible man.  In pictures.

He was so adoring of his family and especially of his grandchildren (I think that is so easy to see looking back on the expression on his face in photos where he was holding a child).  He was totally adored in return. 
A few things that stand out most to me when I remember my grandpa, was how much he LOVED hugs. 
And, when I told him that I was pregnant with Benjamin (a boy) he gave me some advice that was very close to his heart (I know because of how he explained it, and the fact that we discussed it on many visits)... and I will cherish that.  He said boys have a need to achieve, and that I had to make him feel special, and acknowledge his successes.
Also, my grandpa was such a bright and creative man.  He loved to learn, and create.  He even built a "witch's house" -- a little cottage for the grandkids. Grandpa was a great story teller. I really enjoyed listening to him... even if he had a tough time hearing me! :)

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