Saturday 18 February 2012

Valentines Day 2012

Here are some iPhone pics from this valentines.
I'm not sure what order they will appear in...
But we started the day with pink heart shaped pancakes, and circle ones with Gogi berries. We took Bella to school with a bag of homemade cards for her friends.
Dan and Ben practiced a little hockey in the kitchen.
I took Ben to town for a little running around and a date. He drank his whole smoothie before he even touched his yummy macaroon.
After school and dinner our babysitter came over (straight from the hospital on crutches) and Dan and I went out for dinner. (how dedicated is she?!)
It was so nice to get out with him! It seems like it's been ages.
At the end of the night our sitter told me that Bella was helpful, thankfully Ben put himself to bed in his crib, and when they read a veggie tales book before bed, Bella pointed out that both the veggies and our sitter can't walk (veggies don't have legs) and have to hop to get around! ;)

Also, both Dan and Ben bought me flowers! (and Ben bought Bella some- which she mostly re-gifted to him!)

A few new pics added:
Pink tea with breakfast.
David's Tea. Forever Nuts. We all love it.

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