Thursday, 31 March 2011

What it's all about

So what's my blog going to be about? I've been asked a couple times.  I should say. And get back to writing.
I will post about the things that are important to me, what I think about, what I love learning about, what inspires me, and the things that are happening in my life.
I hope to share some DIYs, decor inspirations, our personal renos, links to other blogs I've been checking out, books I'm reading, meal ideas/recipies, health tips and opinions, my photographs, anecdotes, family stories and updates, and general thoughts among other things.
Sometimes I read, see or do something, or my kids do or say something that I think is just brilliant... Now I have somewhere to share. :)
I'm looking forward to this.... And I already feel that I have so many ideas.. Like I have some catching up to do!
Til next time.....

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As much as this blog is for me to record the lives of our family; I'd really love to hear from you- so that it isn't so one sided. Thanks for reading & commenting.